Turnkey Design /
Build Services

We design around the Client’s functional, cost and schedule expectations. Our extensive history designing, building and developing for our own account has given us the basis to use our experience to meet and exceed these expectations.

Turnkey Design / Build ServicesRight-sizing is particularly important when designing mission critical facilities, and our specialized knowledge allows us to get out ahead of this process, whether getting to the bottom of key issues such as how a Client will use Cloud over time, how power densities will shift, how network accessibility will effect operations downstream and the like. We have been at the cutting edge since 1996, and intend to stay there.

Smart Design and Engineering

Smart Design and Engineering

We offer schematic design, design development and architectural working drawings for projects we build, although we continue to and most often work as general contractor based on the drawings of others. Our specialized and pragmatic knowledge gained from our vast experience as a developer, owner and builder lays the groundwork for designs that are cost-effective, great-looking and highly functional. After determining the conceptual and schematic design for technical engineering criteria, we typically outsource engineering working drawings to the optimum firm for the job, whether this firm is a recommendation of the Client or from our own stable of resources.

Our design and engineering services incorporate intelligent value engineering and cost-effective operational enhancements from the beginning.







all images shown are MK Roark Projects

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