Facilities Management

We use our acquired experience of creating mission critical facilities and our background as a colocation operator to perform data center facility management functions such as space planning, piping and conduit coordination, as-built drawings, equipment additions and replacements and expansion implementations.

Facilities ManagementM K Roark also performs detailed inspections of facilities to identify weak and problem prone areas, with systematic upgrades carefully planned and implemented for continued long-term and reliable operations.

Data Center Infrastructure Operations

Data Center Infrastructure Operations

Keeping facilities that M K Roark has built running can be a distraction for companies that would rather concentrate on their core business. Just as IT platforms and systems have been effectively outsourced; M K Roark can also provide Clients with a pragmatic and cost-effective resource to insure infrastructure uptime.

Mission critical facilities are often perpetual renovation projects as IT needs shift and grow, and M K Roark will stay onboard as a responsive and flexible partner.







all images shown are MK Roark Projects

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